Thispolicy ensures that the host firmwareis identical on all servers associated with service profiles which
usethe same policy. Therefore, if you move the service profile from one server to another, the firmware
versionsare maintained. Also, if you change the firmware version for an endpoint in the firmware package,
newversions are applied to all the affected service profiles immediately, which could cause server reboots.
Youmust include this policy in a service profile, and that service profile must be associated with a server for
itto takeeffect.
Thispolicy is not dependent upon any other policies. However, you must ensure that the appropriate firmware
hasbeen downloaded to the fabric interconnect. If the firmware image is not available when Cisco UCS
Manageris associating a server with a service profile, Cisco UCS Manager ignores the firmware upgrade and
completesthe association.
Management Firmware Package
Thispolicy enables you to specify a set of firmware versions that make up the management firmware package
(alsoknown as a management firmware pack). The management firmware package includes the Cisco Integrated
ManagementController (CIMC) on the server. You do not need to use this package if you upgrade the CIMC
Thefirmware package is pushed to allservers associated with service profiles that include this policy. This
policyensures that the CIMC firmware is identical on all servers associated with service profiles which use
thesame policy. Therefore, if you move the service profile from one server to another, the firmware versions
Youmust include this policy in a service profile, and that service profile must be associated with a server for
itto takeeffect.
Thispolicy is not dependent upon any other policies. However, you must ensure that the appropriate firmware
hasbeen downloaded to thefabric interconnect.
Stages of a Firmware Upgrade through Service Profiles
Youcan use the host and management firmware package policies in service profiles to upgrade server and
Ifyou modify a host firmware package by adding an endpoint or changing firmware versions for an existing
endpoint,Cisco UCS Manager upgrades the endpoints and reboots all servers associated with that firmware
packageas soon as the changes are saved, disrupting data traffic to and from the servers.
New Service Profile
Fora newservice profile, thisupgrade takes place over thefollowing stages:
FirmwarePackage Policy Creation
Duringthis stage,you create the hostand/or management firmware packages and include themin the
appropriatefirmware policies.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
198 OL-25712-04
Firmware Upgrades