aregrouped in a fabric port channel. If set to no group, links from the IOM to the fabric interconnect are not
groupedin afabric port channel.
Oncea fabric port channel is created, links can be added or removed by changing the link group preference
andreacknowledging the chassis, or by enabling or disabling the chassis from the port channel.
Thelink grouping preference only takes effect if both sides of the links between an IOM or FEX and the
fabricinterconnect support fabric port channels. If one sideof thelinks does notsupport fabric port
channels,this preference is ignored and the links are not grouped in a portchannel.
Dynamic vNIC Connection PolicyThedynamic vNIC connection policy determines how the connectivity between VMs and dynamic vNICs is
configured.This policy is required for CiscoUCS domains that include servers with VICadapters on which
youhave installedVMs and configureddynamic vNICs.
Eachdynamic vNIC connection policy includes an Ethernet adapter policy and designates the number of
vNICsthat can be configured for any server associated with a service profile that includes the policy.
Ifyou migratea server that is configured withdynamic vNICs, the dynamic interface used by thevNICs
failsand Cisco UCSManager notifies you of that failure.
Whenthe server comes back up, Cisco UCS Manager assigns new dynamic vNICs to the server. If you
aremonitoring traffic on the dynamic vNIC, you must reconfigure the monitoring source.
Ethernet and Fibre Channel Adapter PoliciesThesepolicies govern the host-side behavior of the adapter, including how the adapter handles traffic. For
example,you canuse these policiesto change default settingsfor the following:
• Queues
• Interrupt handling
• Performance enhancement
• RSS hash
• Failover in an cluster configuration with two fabric interconnects
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 19
Server Architecture and Connectivity