Whetherthe BIOSmaximizes memory usagebelow 4GB for
anoperating system without PAEsupport, depending on the
systemconfiguration. This can be one of the following:
disabled—Doesnot maximizememory usage. Choose
thisoption for all operating systems with PAEsupport.
enabled—Maximizesmemory usage below 4GB for an
operatingsystem without PAE support.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
MaxMemory Below 4G
Whetherto enable or disable memory mapped I/O of 64-bit PCI
devicesto 4GB or greater address space. Legacy option ROMs
arenot able to access addresses above 4GB. PCI devices that
are64-bit compliantbut usea legacy option ROM may not
functioncorrectly with this setting enabled. This can be one of
disabled—Doesnot map I/O of 64-bit PCI devices to 4GB
orgreater address space.
enabled—MapsI/O of 64-bit PCI devices to 4GB or
greateraddress space.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
MemoryMapped IO Above 4Gb Config
Boot Options BIOS Settings
Thefollowing table lists the boot options BIOS settings that you can configure through a BIOS policy or the
defaultBIOS settings:
Whetherthe BIOS retries NON-EFI based boot options without
waitingfor user input. This can be one of the following:
disabled—Waitsfor user input before retrying NON-EFI
basedboot options.
enabled—Continuallyretries NON-EFI based boot options
withoutwaiting for user input.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
BootOption Retry
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
396 OL-25712-04
Configuring BIOS Settings