Formore informationabout power supplyredundancy, see Cisco UCS 5108 Server Chassis Hardware
Quality of Service PolicyAquality of service (QoS) policy assigns a system class to the outgoing traffic for a vNIC or vHBA. This
systemclass determines the quality of service for that traffic. For certain adapters you can also specify additional
controlson the outgoing traffic, such as burst and rate.
Youmust include a QoS policy in a vNIC policy or vHBA policy and then include that policy in a service
profileto configure the vNICor vHBA.
Rack Server Discovery PolicyTherack server discovery policy determines how the system reacts when you add a new rack-mount server.
CiscoUCS Manager uses the settings in the rack server discovery policy to determine whether any data on
thehard disks arescrubbed and whether server discovery occurs immediately or needs to wait for explicit
CiscoUCS Manager cannot discover any rack-mount server that has not been correctly cabled and connected
tothe fabric interconnects. For information about how to integrate a supported Cisco UCS rack-mount server
withCisco UCS Manager, see the hardware installation guide for that server.
Server Autoconfiguration PolicyCiscoUCS Manager uses this policy to determine how to configure a new server. If you create a server
autoconfigurationpolicy, the following occurs when a new server starts:
1Thequalification in the server autoconfiguration policy is executed against the server.
2Ifthe server meets the required qualifications, the server is associated with a service profile created from
theservice profile template configured in the server autoconfiguration policy. The name of that service
profileis based on the name given to the server by CiscoUCS Manager.
3Theservice profile is assigned to the organization configured in the server autoconfiguration policy.
Server Discovery PolicyThisdiscovery policy determines how the system reacts when you add a new server. If you create a server
discoverypolicy, you can control whether the system conducts a deep discovery when a server is added to a
chassis,or whether a user must first acknowledge the new server. By default, the system conducts a full
Ifyou createa server discovery policy, the following occurs when a new server starts:
1Thequalification in the server discovery policy is executed against the server.
2Ifthe server meets the required qualifications, Cisco UCS Manager applies the following to the server:
• Depending upon the option selected for the action, either discovers the new server immediately or
waitsfor auser toacknowledge the newserver
• Applies the scrub policy to the server
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 25
Server Architecture and Connectivity