vNIC/vHBA Placement Policies

vNIC/vHBAplacement policies are used to determine what types of vNICs or vHBAs can be assigned to the
physicaladapters on a server.Each vNIC/vHBA placement policy contains four virtual network interface
connections(vCons) that are virtual representations of the physical adapters. When avNIC/vHBA placement
policyis assigned to a service profile, and the service profile is associated with a server, the vCons in the
vNIC/vHBAplacement policy areassigned to thephysical adapters.
Ifyou do not include a vNIC/vHBA placement policy in the service profile or you use the default configuration
fora serverwith two adapters,Cisco UCS Manager defaults to theAll configuration and equallydistributes
thevNICs and vHBAs between the adapters.
Youcan use this policy to assign vNICs or vHBAs to either of the two vCons. Cisco UCS Manager uses the
vConassignment to determine how to assign the vNICs and vHBAs to the physical adapter during service
All—Allconfigured vNICs and vHBAs can be assigned to the vCon, whether they are explicitly assigned
toit, unassigned,or dynamic.
AssignedOnly—vNICs and vHBAs must be explicitly assigned to the vCon. You can assign them
explicitlythrough the service profile or the properties of the vNIC or vHBA.
ExcludeDynamic—Dynamic vNICs and vHBAs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can be
usedfor allstatic vNICs and vHBAs, whetherthey are unassigned or explicitlyassigned to it.
ExcludeUnassigned—Unassigned vNICs and vHBAs cannot be assigned to the vCon. The vCon can
beused for dynamic vNICs and vHBAs and for static vNICs and vHBAs that are explicitly assigned to
Operational Policies

Fault Collection Policy

Thefault collection policy controls the lifecycle of a fault in a Cisco UCS domain, including when faults are
cleared,the flapping interval (the length of time between the fault being raised and the condition being cleared),
andthe retentioninterval (the length of timea fault isretained in the system).
Afault inCisco UCS has thefollowing lifecycle:
1Acondition occurs in the system and Cisco UCS Manager raises a fault. This is the active state.
2Whenthe fault is alleviated,it enters a flapping or soaking interval that is designed to prevent flapping.
Flappingoccurs when a fault is raised and cleared several times in rapid succession. During the flapping
interval,the fault retains its severity for the length of time specified in the fault collection policy.
3Ifthe condition reoccurs during the flapping interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition
doesnot reoccurduring the flapping interval, the fault is cleared.
4Thecleared fault enters theretention interval. This interval ensures thatthe fault reaches the attentionof
anadministrator even if the condition that caused the fault has been alleviated and the fault has not been
deletedprematurely. The retention interval retains the cleared fault for the length of time specified in the
faultcollection policy.
5Ifthe condition reoccurs during the retention interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition
doesnot reoccur,the fault is deleted.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
28 OL-25712-04
Server Architecture and Connectivity