Step 6 ClickSave Changes.
What to Do Next
Tocustomize fabric port channel connectivity for a specific chassis, configure the chassis connectivity policy.
Configuring the Chassis Connectivity Policy

Chassis Connectivity Policy

Thechassis connectivity policy determines the whether a specific chassis is included in a fabric port channel
afterchassis discovery. This policy is helpful for users who want to configure one or more chassis differently
fromwhat is specified in theglobal chassis discovery policy. The chassis connectivity policy also allows for
differentconnectivity modes per fabric interconnect, further expanding the level of control offered with regards
tochassis connectivity.
Bydefault, the chassis connectivity policy is set to global. This means that connectivity control is configured
whenthe chassis is newly discovered, using the settings configured in the chassis discovery policy. Once the
chassisis discovered,the chassis connectivity policy controlswhether the connectivitycontrol is setto none
orport channel.
Thechassis connectivity policy is created by CiscoUCS Manager only when the hardware configuration
supportsfabric port channels. At this time, only the 6200 series fabric interconnects and the 2200 series
IOMssupport this feature. For all other hardware combinations, Cisco UCS Manager does not create a
chassisconnectivity policy.

Configuring a Chassis Connectivity Policy

Changingthe connectivity mode for a chassis could result in decreased VIF namespace.
Changingthe connectivity mode for a chassis results in chassis reacknowledgement.Traffic may be
disruptedduring this time.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, click the Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Chassis.
Step 3 Clickthe chassis for which you want to configure the connectivity between the IOMs and fabric interconnects.
Step 4 Inthe Work pane, click the Connectivity Policy tab.
Step 5 Foreach IOM in the chassis, choose one of the following values in the Admin State field for the chassis and
None—Nolinks are grouped in a port channel
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 243
Configuring the Chassis Connectivity Policy