Implementation-SpecificTunable Parameters
• Power and thermal constraints
• Slot ranges and numbering
• Adapter capacities
• Firmware compatibility for components such as the BIOS, CIMC, RAID controller,and adapters
• Diagnostics
• Hardware-specific reboot
UserDisplay Strings
• Part numbers, such as the CPN, PID/VID
• Component descriptions
• Physical layout/dimensions
• OEM information
Updates to the Capability Catalog
CapabilityCatalog updates are included in eachCisco UCS Manager update.Unless otherwise instructed by
CiscoTechnical Support, you only need to activate the Capability Catalog update after you've downloaded,
updated,and activated an Cisco UCS Infrastructure Software Bundle.
Assoon as you activate a Capability Catalog update, Cisco UCS Manager immediately updates to the new
baselinecatalog. You do not have to perform any further tasks. Updates to the Capability Catalog do not
requireyou to reboot any component in the Cisco UCS domain or to reinstall Cisco UCS Manager.
EachCisco UCS Manager release contains a baseline catalog. In rare circumstances, Cisco releases an update
tothe Capability Catalog and makes it available on the same site where you download firmware images. The
catalogupdate is compatible with Cisco UCS, Release 1.3(1) and later.
TheCapability Catalog version is determined by the version of Cisco UCS Manager that you are using.
CiscoUCS Manager 2.0 releases work with any 2.0 release of the Capability Catalog,but not with any
1.0releases of the Capability Catalog. For information about Capability Catalog releases supported by
specificCisco UCS Manager releases, see the ReleaseNotes for Cisco UCS Manager accessible through
theCisco UCS B-Series Servers Documentation Roadmap available at the following URL: http://
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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Managing the Capability Catalog