Step 8 ClickOK.
CiscoUCS Manager downloads the image and updates the Capability Catalog. You do not need to reboot any
What to Do Next
Activatethe Capability Catalog update.
Updating the Capability Catalog from the Local File System
Youcannot perform a partial update to the Capability Catalog. When you update the Capability Catalog, all
componentsincluded in the catalog image are updated.
AB-series server bundle includes the Capability Catalog update for that server. You do not need to download
aseparate CapabilityCatalog update. You only need to activate the Capability Catalog update.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, click the Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All.
Step 3 Clickthe Capability Catalog node.
Step 4 Inthe Work pane, click the Catalog Update Tasks tab.
Step 5 ClickUpdate Catalog.
Step 6 Inthe Download Firmware dialog box, click the Local File System radio button in the Location of the
ImageFile field.
Step 7 Inthe Filename field, type the full path and and name of the image file.
Ifyou do not know the exact path to the folder where the firmware image file is located, clickBrowse and
navigateto the file.
Step 8 ClickOK.
CiscoUCS Manager downloads the image and updates the Capability Catalog. You do not need to reboot any
What to Do Next
Activatethe Capability Catalog update.
Updating Management ExtensionsManagement Extensions
ManagementExtension updates are included in each Cisco UCS Manager update. Unless otherwise instructed
byCisco Technical Support, you only need to activate the Management Extension update after you've
downloaded,updated, and activated an Cisco UCS Infrastructure Software Bundle.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 235
Updating Management Extensions