Configuring System-Related Policies
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
Configuringthe Chassis Discovery Policy, page 239
Configuringthe ChassisConnectivity Policy, page 243
Configuringthe Rack Server Discovery Policy, page 244
Configuringthe Aging Time for the MAC Address Table, page 245

Configuring the Chassis Discovery Policy

Chassis Discovery Policy

Thechassis discovery policy determines how the systemreacts when you add a new chassis. Cisco UCS
Manageruses the settings in the chassis discovery policy to determine the minimum threshold for the number
oflinks between the chassis and the fabric interconnect and whether to group links from the IOM to the fabric
interconnectin a fabricport channel.
Chassis Links
Ifyou have a Cisco UCS domain that has some chassis wired with 1 link, some with 2 links, some with 4
links,and some with 8 links we recommend that you configure the chassis discovery policy for the minimum
numberlinks in thedomain so that Cisco UCS Manager can discover all chassis.
ForCisco UCSimplementations that mixIOMs withdifferent numbers of links,we recommendusing
theplatform max value. Using platform max insures that Cisco UCS Manager uses the maximum number
ofIOM uplinks available.
Afterthe initial discovery, you must reacknowledge the chassis that are wired for a greater number of links
andCisco UCSManager configuresthe chassisto useall available links.
CiscoUCS Manager cannot discover any chassis that is wired for fewer links than are configured in the chassis
discoverypolicy. For example, if the chassis discovery policy is configured for 4 links, Cisco UCS Manager
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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