Step 2 Fromthe Filter drop-down list on the menu bar, choose Fabric Interconnects.
Step 3 Onthe menu bar, check the Ignore Compatibility Check check box.
Step 4 Onthe row ofthe Activate Firmware dialog box for the subordinate fabric interconnect, do the following:
a) In the Kernel row, choose the firmware version to which you want to upgrade from the drop-down list in
theStartup Version column.
b) In the System row, choose the firmware version to which you want to upgrade from the drop-down list
inthe Startup Versioncolumn.
Step 5 ClickApply.
CiscoUCS Manager updates and activates the firmware and reboots the fabric interconnect and any I/O
modulein the data path to that fabric interconnect, disrupting data traffic to and from that fabric interconnect.
However,assuming the Cisco UCS domain is configured to permit traffic and port failover, data traffic fails
overto the other fabric interconnect, which becomes the primary. When it comes back up, this fabric
interconnectis the subordinatefabric interconnect.
Step 6 Verifythe high availability status of the fabric interconnect.
Ifthe High AvailabilityDetails area for the fabric interconnect does not show the following values, contact
CiscoTechnical Support immediately.
Required ValueField Name
Activating the Firmware on a Standalone Fabric InterconnectFora standalone configuration with a single fabric interconnect, you can minimize the disruption to data traffic
whenyou perform a direct firmware upgrade of the endpoints. However, you must reboot the fabric interconnect
tocomplete the upgrade and, therefore, cannot avoid disrupting traffic.
Ifyou ever need to recover the password to the admin account that was created when you configured the
fabricinterconnects for the Cisco UCS domain, you must know the running kernel version and the running
systemversion. If you do not plan to create additional accounts, we recommend that you save the path to
thesefirmware versions in a textfile so that you canaccess them if required.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, click the Equipment node.
Step 3 Expandthe Fabric Interconnects node and click the standalone fabric interconnect.
Step 4 Onthe General tab, clickActivate Firmware.
Step 5 Inthe Activate Firmware dialog box, complete the following fields:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 221
Directly Upgrading Firmware at Endpoints