Auser account can be set with a SSH public key. The public key can be set in either of the two formats:
Admin Account
EachCisco UCS domainhas an adminaccount. The adminaccount is a default user account and cannot be
modifiedor deleted.This account is the systemadministrator or superuser accountand has full privileges.
Thereis no default password assigned to the admin account; you must choose the password during the initial
Theadmin account is always active and does not expire. You cannot configure the admin account as inactive.
Locally Authenticated User Accounts
Alocally authenticateduser account isauthenticated directly throughthe fabricinterconnect and canbe
enabledor disabledby anyone withadmin or aaa privileges. Once a local user account is disabled, the user
cannotlog in. Configuration details for disabled local user accounts are not deleted by the database. If you
re-enablea disabled local user account,the account becomes active again with theexisting configuration,
includingusername and password.
Remotely Authenticated User Accounts
Aremotely authenticateduser account isany useraccount thatis authenticatedthrough LDAP, RADIUS, or
Ifa user maintains a local user account and a remote user account simultaneously, the roles defined in the
localuser account override those maintained in the remote user account.
Expiration of User Accounts
Useraccounts can be configured to expire at a predefined time. When the expiration time is reached, the user
accountis disabled.
Bydefault, user accountsdo not expire.
Afteryou configurea user account with an expiration date, you cannot reconfigure the account to not
expire.You can, however, configure the account with the latest expiration date available.
Guidelines for Cisco UCS Manager UsernamesTheusername is also used as the login ID for Cisco UCS Manager. When you assign usernames to Cisco
UCSManager useraccounts, consider thefollowing guidelines and restrictions:
• The login ID can contain between 1 and 32 characters,including the following:
◦ Any alphabetic character
◦ Any digit
◦ _ (underscore)
◦ - (dash)
◦ . (dot)
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
160 OL-25712-04
User Accounts for Cisco UCS Manager