Theinformation saved in the backup configuration file. This can be one
ofthe following:
Fullstate—A binary filethat includes a snapshotof theentire
system.You can use the file generated from this backup to restore
thesystem during disaster recovery. This file can restore or rebuild
theconfiguration on the original fabric interconnect, or recreate
theconfiguration on a differentfabric interconnect. You cannot
usethis file for an import.
Allconfiguration—An XML file that includes all system and
logicalconfiguration settings. You can use the file generated from
thisbackup to import these configuration settings to the original
fabricinterconnect or to a different fabric interconnect. You cannot
usethis file for a system restore. This file does not include
passwordsfor locallyauthenticated users.
Systemconfiguration—An XML file that includes all system
configurationsettings such as usernames, roles, and locales. You
canuse the file generated from this backup to import these
configurationsettings to the original fabric interconnect or to a
differentfabric interconnect. You cannot use this file for a system
Logicalconfiguration—An XML file that includes all logical
configurationsettings such as service profiles, VLANs, VSANs,
pools,and policies. You can use the file generated from this backup
toimport these configuration settings to the original fabric
interconnector to a differentfabric interconnect. You cannot use
thisfile for asystem restore.
Ifthis checkbox ischecked, the backupfile preserves all identities
derivedfrom pools, includingthe MAC addresses,WWPN, WWNN,
PreserveIdentities check box
Wherethe backup file should be saved. This can be one of the following:
RemoteFile System—The backup XML file is saved to a remote
server.Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays the fields described
belowthat allow you tospecify the protocol,host, filename,
username,and password forthe remotesystem.
LocalFile System—The backup XML file is saved locally. Cisco
UCSManager GUI displays the Filename field with an associated
Browsebutton that let you specify the name and location for the
Onceyou clickOK, the locationcannot be
Locationof the Backup File field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 623
Backup Operations