Cannot Perform Partial Deployment of Pending Activity
CiscoUCS Manager applies all changes made to a service profile in the scheduled maintenance window. You
cannotmake several changes to a service profile at the same time and then have those changes be spread
acrossseveral maintenance windows. When Cisco UCS Managerdeploys the serviceprofile changes, it
updatesthe service profile to match the most recent configuration in the database.
Configuring Schedules

Creating a Schedule

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Servers tab.
Step 2 Onthe Servers tab, right-clickSchedules and choose Create Schedule.
Step 3 Inthe Identify Schedulepage of the Create Schedule wizard, complete the following fields:
Thename of theschedule.
Thisname can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You
cannotuse spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _
(underscore),: (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name
afterthe object has beensaved.
Adescription of theschedule. Werecommend including information
aboutwhere and when the schedule should be used.
Enterup to 256 characters. You can use any characters or spaces except
^(carat), \ (backslash),> (greater than), <(less than), '(single quote),
"(double quote), ` (accentmark), or = (equal sign).
Step 4 ClickNext.
Step 5 Onthe One TimeOccurrences page, click one of the following:
Movesto the next page. Choose this option if you do not want to create a one time
occurrencefor this schedule.
Ifyou choosethis option,continue with Step 8.
Opensthe Create a One Time Occurrence dialog box, where you can specify a single
timewhen this scheduleshould be run.
Ifyou choosethis option,continue with Step 6.
Step 6 (Optional) In the Create a One Time Occurrence dialog box, do the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
472 OL-25712-04
Configuring Schedules