Youwill see the power on self-test messages as the fabric interconnect boots.
Step 3 Atthe installationmethod prompt, entergui.
Step 4 Ifthe system cannot access a DHCP server, you are prompted to enter the following information:
•IPaddress for the managementport on the fabric interconnect
•Subnetmask for the management port on the fabric interconnect
•IPaddress for the defaultgateway assigned to the fabric interconnect
Step 5 Copythe web link from the prompt into a web browser and go to the Cisco UCS Manager GUI launch page.
Step 6 Onthe CiscoUCS ManagerGUI launchpage, select Express Setup.
Step 7 Onthe Express Setup page, select Initial Setup and click Submit.
Step 8 Inthe Cluster andFabric Setup Area:
a) Click the Enable Clustering option.
b) For the Fabric Setup option, select Fabric A.
c) In the Cluster IP Address field, enter the IP address that Cisco UCS Manager will use.
Step 9 Inthe System Setup Area,complete the followingfields:
Thename assigned to theCisco UCS domain.
Ina standaloneconfiguration, the systemadds "-A" to the
systemname. In acluster configuration, the system adds
"-A"to thefabric interconnect assigned to fabric A, and
"-B"to thefabric interconnect assigned to fabric B.
SystemName field
Thepassword used for the Admin accounton thefabric
Choosea strongpassword thatmeets the guidelinesfor
CiscoUCS Manager passwords. Thispassword cannot be
AdminPassword field
Thepassword used for the Admin accounton thefabric
ConfirmAdmin Password field
Thestatic IP address for the management port on the fabric
MgmtIP Address field
Thesubnet mask for the management port on the fabric
MgmtIP Netmask field
TheIP addressfor thedefault gateway assigned tothe
managementport on the fabric interconnect.
DefaultGateway field
TheIP address for the DNS server assigned to the fabric
DNSServer IP field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
70 OL-25712-04
Initial System Setup for a Cluster Configuration