Whetherthe system limits the number of duplicate messages received
forthe same event. This can be one of thefollowing:
•On—Ifthe numberof duplicatemessages sent exceeds 30
messageswithin a 2-hour time frame, then the system discards
furthermessages for thatalert type.
•Off—Thesystem sends all duplicate messages, regardless of how
manyare encountered.
a) In the State field, click on.
Ifthis fieldis set to On, CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysthe rest of thefields on this
b) From the Switch Priority drop-down list, select one of the following levels:
Fora large Cisco UCS deployment with several pairs of fabric interconnects, this field enables you to
attachsignificance to messagesfrom one particularCisco UCS domain, sothat messagerecipients can
gaugethe priority of the message. This field may not be as useful for a small Cisco UCS deployment, such
asa singleCisco UCS domain.
Step 5 Inthe Contact Informationarea, complete the following fields with the required contact information:
Themain CallHome contact person.
Enterup to 255 ASCII characters.
Thetelephone number forthe main contact.
Enterthe numberin internationalformat, starting with a +(plus sign)
anda country code.You can use hyphens but not parentheses.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 681
Configuring Call Home