Thesystem inventory message is sent only to those recipients defined in CiscoTAC-1 profile.Note
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >Communication Management >CallHome.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the System Inventory tab.
Step 4 Inthe Actions area, clickSend System Inventory Now.
CiscoUCS Manager immediately sends a system inventory message to the recipient configured for CallHome.
Configuring Call Home ProfilesCall Home Profiles
CallHome profiles determinewhich alerts are sentto designatedrecipients. You can configure the profiles
tosend email alerts for events and faults at a desired severity level and for specific alert groups that represent
categoriesof alerts. You can also use these profiles to specify the format of the alert for a specific set of
recipientsand alert groups.
Eachalert that Cisco UCS generates fits into a category represented by an alert group, suchas the following:
• Environmental alerts, including fans and power supplies
• Diagnostic alerts, such as POST completion failure on a server
Alertgroups and Call Home profiles enable you to filter the alerts and ensure that a specific profile only
receivescertain categories of alerts. For example, a data center may have a hardware team that handles issues
withfans and power supplies.This hardware team does not care about server POST failures or licensing
issues.To ensure that the hardware team only receives relevant alerts, create a Call Home profile for the
hardwareteam andcheck only the"environmental" alert group.
Bydefault, you must configure the Cisco TAC-1 profile. However, you can also create additional profiles to
sendemail alerts to one or more alert groups when events occur at the level that you specify and provide the
recipientswith the appropriate amount of information about those alerts.
Forexample, you maywant toconfigure twoprofiles for faultswith a majorseverity:
• A profile that sends an alert to the Supervisor alert group in the short text format. Members of this group
receivea one- or two-line description of the fault that they can use to track the issue.
• A profile that sends an alert to the CiscoTACalert group in the XML format. Members of this group
receivea detailed message in themachine readable format preferred bythe CiscoSystems Technical
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 685
Configuring Call Home Profiles