What to Do Next
Ensurethat Call Home isfully configured.
Configuring System Inventory Messages

Configuring System Inventory Messages

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >Communication Management >CallHome.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the System Inventory tab.
Step 4 Inthe Properties area, complete the following fields:
Ifthis fieldis set toOn, CiscoUCS sendsthe systeminventory to the
CallHome database. When the information is sent depends on the other
fieldsin this area.
SendPeriodically field
Thenumber ofdays thatshould passbetween automaticsystem
inventorydata collection.
Enteran integer between 1 and 30.
SendInterval field
Thehour thatthe data should be sent using the 24-hour clock format.Hourof Day to Send field
Thenumber of minutes after the hour that the data should be sent.Minuteof Hour field
Thedate and timethe informationwas last sent.
Thisfield is displayed after the first inventoryhas been
TimeLast Sent field
Thedate and time for the upcoming data collection.
Thisfield is displayed after the first inventoryhas been
NextScheduled field
Step 5 ClickSave Changes.

Sending a System Inventory Message

Usethis procedure if you need to manually send a system inventory message outside of the scheduled messages.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
684 OL-25712-04
Configuring System Inventory Messages