Serviceprofiles created froman initialtemplate inherit allthe propertiesof thetemplate. However,
afteryou create the profile, it is no longer connected to the template. If you need to make changes to
oneor more profiles created from this template,you must change each profile individually.
Serviceprofiles created from an updating template inherit all the properties of thetemplate and remain
connectedto the template. Any changes to the template automatically update the service profiles created
fromthe template.
Guidelines and Recommendations for Service Profiles
Inaddition to any guidelines or recommendations that are specific to policies and pools included in service
profilesand service profile templates, such as the local disk configuration policy, you need to be aware of the
followingguidelines and recommendations that impact the ability to associate a service profile with a server:
Limit to the Number of vNICs that Can Be Configured on a Rack-Mount Server
Youcan configure up to 56 vNICs per supported adapter, such as the Cisco UCS P81E VirtualInterface Card
(N2XX-ACPCI01),on any rack-mount server that is integrated with Cisco UCS Manager.
No Power Capping Support for Rack-Mount Servers
Powercapping is not supported for rack servers. If you include a power control policy in a service profile that
isassociated with a rack-mount server, the policy is not implemented.
Creating Service Profiles

Creating a Service Profile with the Expert Wizard

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Serverstab.
Step 2 Onthe Servers tab, expand Servers >Service Profiles.
Step 3 Expandthe node for the organizationwhere you want to create the service profile.
Ifthe system does not includemultitenancy, expand the root node.
Step 4 Right-clickthe organization and select Create Service Profile (expert).
Step 5 Inthe Create Service Profile (expert) wizard, complete the following:
Page1: Identifyingthe ServiceProfile , onpage 490
Page2: Configuringthe StorageOptions, onpage 491
Page3: Configuringthe NetworkingOptions, onpage 496
Page4: Settingthe vNIC/vHBAPlacement, on page502
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 489
Guidelines and Recommendations for Service Profiles