zoningoption in Cisco UCS Manager is whether the default zone in a VSAN (nodes not assigned to any zone)
permitsor deniesaccess among its members.
Whendefault zoning is enabled,all trafficis permitted among members of the default zone.
Whendefault zoning is disabled,all trafficis denied among members of the default zone.
Defaultzoning is applied on a per-VSAN basis. You cannot enable default zoning at the fabric level.
Defaultzoned configurations arenot recommendedfor production deployments,which must alwaysuse
directconnect Fibre Channel topologies with upstreamMDS or Nexus 5000 switches.
Enabling Default ZoningProcedure
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe SANtab.
Step 2 Inthe SAN tab, click the SAN node.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the VSANs tab.
Step 4 Clickone of the following subtabs, depending upon the type of VSAN for which you want to enable default
Displaysall VSANs in the Cisco UCS domain.
Displaysthe VSANs that are accessible to both fabric interconnects.
Displaysthe VSANs that are accessible to only fabric interconnect A.
Displaysthe VSANs that are accessible to only fabric interconnect B.
Step 5 Inthe table, double-click the VSAN.
CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysthe Generaltab for the VSAN.
Step 6 Inthe Actions area, clickEnable Default Zoning.
Step 7 Ifthe CiscoUCS ManagerGUI displaysa confirmationdialog box, click Yes.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
96 OL-25712-04
FCoE and Fibre Channel Storage Ports