• Toremove ports, choose one or more ports in the Ports in the port channel table, and then click the
<<button to remove the ports from the port channeland add them to the Ports table.
Step 7 ClickOK.

Deleting an Uplink Ethernet Port Channel

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe LAN tab.
Step 2 Onthe LAN tab, expand LAN >LAN Cloud.
Step 3 Expandthe node for thefabric interconnect where you want to delete the port channel.
Step 4 Clickthe Port Channels node.
Step 5 Inthe General tab for thePort Channelsnode, choose theport channel you wantto delete.
Step 6 Right-clickthe port channeland chooseDelete.
Appliance Port Channels
Anappliance port channel allows you to group several physical appliance ports tocreate one logical Ethernet
storagelink for the purpose of providing fault-tolerance and high-speed connectivity. In Cisco UCS Manager,
youcreate a port channel first and then add appliance ports to the port channel. You can add up to eight
applianceports to aport channel.

Creating an Appliance Port Channel

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe LAN tab.
Step 2 Onthe LAN tab, expand LAN >Appliances.
Step 3 Expandthe node for thefabric interconnect where you want to add the port channel.
Step 4 Right-clickthe Port Channels node and choose Create Port Channel.
Step 5 Inthe Set PortChannel Name page of the Create Port Channel wizard, complete the following fields to
specifythe identity and other properties of the port channel:
Theunique identifier of the port channel.
Enteran integer between 1 and 256. This ID cannot be changed after
theport channelhas been saved.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
100 OL-25712-04
Appliance Port Channels