Thisoption determineswhether Cisco Discovery Protocol(CDP) is
enabledon serversassociated with aservice profilethat includes this
policy.This can be one of the following:
Whetheradapter-registered MAC addresses are added only to the native
VLANassociated with the interfaceor added to all VLANs associated
withthe interface. This can be one of the following:
•OnlyNative Vlan—MAC addresses are only added to the native
VLAN.This option is the default, and it maximizes the
•AllHost Vlans—MAC addresses are addedto allVLANs with
whichthey areassociated. Select this optionif your VLANs are
configuredto use trunking but are not running in Promiscuous
MACRegister Mode field
Thisoption determines how the VIF behaves if no uplink port is
availablewhen the fabric interconnect is in end-host mode. This can be
oneof the following:
•LinkDown— Changesthe operationalstate of avNIC to down
whenuplink connectivityis lost on the fabric interconnect, and
enablesfabric failover for vNICs.
•Warning—Maintains server-to-server connectivity even when
nouplink port is available, and disables fabric failover when uplink
connectivityis lost on the fabric interconnect.
Thedefault is LinkDown.
CiscoUCS Manager, release 1.4(2) and earlier did not enforce
theAction on UplinkFail property for those types of
non-VM-FEXcapable converged network adapters mentioned
above.If the Action on Uplink Fail property was set to
link-down,Cisco UCS Manager would ignore this setting and
insteadissue a warning. In the current version of Cisco UCS
Managerthis setting is enforced.Therefore, if your
implementationincludes one of those converged network
adaptersand the adapter is expected to handle both Ethernet
andFCoE traffic, we recommend that you configure the Action
onUplink Failproperty with a value of warning.
Pleasenote that thisconfiguration may resultin anEthernet
teamingdriver not being able to detect a link failure when the
borderport goes down.
Actionon UplinkFail field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 319
Configuring Network Control Policies