Thenumber of SCSIIO queueresources the system should allocate.
Enteran integer between 1 and8. Thedefault is 1.
Atthis time,the Cisco UCS M81KRVirtual Interface Card
adaptersupports only oneSCSI I/O queue.
SCSII/O Queuesfield
Thenumber ofdescriptors in each SCSII/O queue.
Enteran integer between 64 and512. Thedefault is 512.
Thenumber of descriptors can affect the performance of the
adapter,so we recommend that you do not change the default
RingSize field
Step 7 (Optional) In the Options area, adjust the followingvalues:
Whetherthe system uses FCPSequence Level Error Recovery
(FC-TAPE)protocol for sequence level error recovery with tape devices.
Thisenables or disablesthe Read Exchange Concise (REC) and
SequenceRetransmission Request (SRR) functions on the VIC firmware.
Thiscan be one of the following:
•Disabled—Thisis the default.
•Enabled—Youshould select this option if your system is
connectedto one ormore tapedrive libraries.
Thisparameter only applies to a server with a Virtual Interface
Card(VIC) adapter, such as the Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual
FCPError Recovery field
Thenumber of times that the system tries to log in to the fabric after
thefirst failure.
Enterany integer. To specify that the system continue to try indefinitely,
enterinfinite in thisfield. We recommend you consult your storage
arraydocumentation for the optimal value for this parameter.
Thisparameter only applies to a server with a VIC adapter, or
aconverged network adapter such as the Cisco UCS M71KR-E
EmulexConverged Network Adapter.
FlogiRetries field
Thenumber ofmilliseconds that thesystem waits beforeit tries tolog
Enteran integer between 1000 and 255000. The default is 4,000. We
recommendyou consultyour storage arraydocumentation for the
optimalvalue for thisparameter.
Thisparameter only applies to a server with a VIC adapter or
aconverged network adapter.
FlogiTimeout field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 361
Configuring Fibre Channel Adapter Policies