Admin Tab
Thistab contains system-wide settings, such as user manager and communication services, and troubleshooting
components,such as faults and events. The system administrator typically accesses and manages the components
onthis tab.
Themajor nodes below theAll node in thistab are the following:
•Faults,Events and Audit Log
ToolbarThetoolbar displays on theright sideof CiscoUCS Manager GUI abovethe Work pane. You can use the
menubuttons in the toolbar to perform common actions, including the following actions:
• Navigate between previously viewed items in the Workpane
• Create elements for the Cisco UCS domain
• Set options for Cisco UCS Manager GUI
• Access online help for Cisco UCS Manager GUI
Work PaneTheWork pane displays on the right side of Cisco UCS Manager GUI. This pane displays details about the
componentselected in theNavigation pane.
TheWork pane includes the following elements:
• A navigation bar that displays the path from the main node of the tab in the Navigation pane to the
selectedelement. You can click any component in this path to display that component in the Workpane.
• A content area that displays tabs with information related to the component selected in the Navigation
pane.The tabs displayed in the content area depends upon the selected component. You can use these
tabsto view information about the component, create components, modify properties of the component,
andexamine a selected object.
Status BarThestatus bar displaysacross the bottom of CiscoUCS Manager GUI. Thestatus bar providesinformation
aboutthe state of the application.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
50 OL-25712-04
Overview of Cisco UCS Manager GUI