communicationservices 129
CoreFile Exporter 704
portchannels 269
ports 88, 112
serverports 266
uplinkEthernet port channels 99
uplinkEthernetports 267
disassociatingservers 545
disasterrecovery 619, 621
discoverypolicy 16, 25, 239, 242, 244, 419, 420
chassis 16, 239, 242
rackserver 25, 244
server 25, 419, 420
disjointL2 networks 321, 322, 323, 324, 327, 328, 329
about 321
configuring 324
guidelines 322
pinningconsiderations 323
VLANs 327, 328, 329
assigningports and portchannels 327
removingports and portchannels 328
viewingport and port channel assignments 329
diskdrive monitoring 658, 659, 660
about 658
interpretingresults 659, 660
limitations 658
prerequisites 659
support 658
DNSservers 237, 238
about 237
adding 237
deleting 238
domains,disjoint L2 321
downgrading 199
firmware 199
prerequisites 199
downloadfirmware 186
downloading 206, 207, 208, 250, 251
canceling 208
images 206, 207
licenses 250, 251
dynamicvNIC connection policy 19
about 19
Eenabling 87, 112, 125, 129, 265, 266, 268, 579, 580, 680, 683, 690, 703
CallHome 680, 683
CoreFile Exporter 703
decommissionedchassis 579, 580
portchannels 268
ports 87, 112
serverports 265
SmartCall Home 690
SNMP 125
Telnet 129
uplinkEthernetports 266
end-hostmode 73, 74, 264
Ethernet 73
FibreChannel 74
endpoints 194, 196, 197
directfirmware upgrade 194, 196
serviceprofile upgrade 197
enforcingpassword strength 174
Ethernet 11, 29, 38, 73, 77, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 92, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100,
103, 104, 264, 267, 304
applianceport channels 100, 103, 104
applianceports 89, 92
beaconLEDs 84
changinguplink ports 86
FCoEstorage ports 94
FibreChannel over 11
flowcontrol policies 29, 38, 304
portmode 82, 83
serverports 85
switchingmode 73, 264
uplinkport channels 97, 98, 99, 100, 267
addingports 99
deleting 100
disabling 99
removingports 99
uplinkports 77, 85
Ethernetadapter policies 19, 312, 313, 317, 358
about 19, 312, 358
creating 313
deleting 317
Ethernetswitching mode 72
about 72
events 696, 698, 699
SELpolicy 696
systemevent log 696, 698, 699
backingup 699
clearing 699
copying 698
printing 699
refreshing 699
viewing 696
exiting 54
expiration,accounts 160
explicitassignment 430, 434, 435
exporting 619, 621, 622
backup 622
backuptypes 619
configuration 619
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 IN-5