Theminimum memory capacityrequired, in megabytes.MinCap field
Themaximum memory capacityallowed, in megabytes.MaxCap field
Theminimum width ofthe databus.Widthfield
Theunit of measure to associate with the value in the Width field.Unitsfield
c) Click OK.
Step 10 (Optional) To use this policy to qualify servers according to their CPU/Cores configuration, do the following:
a) Click Create CPU/Cores Qualifications.
b) In the Create CPU/Cores Qualifications dialog box, complete the following fields:
TheCPU architectureto which thispolicy applies.ProcessorArchitecture
Aregular expressionthat the processor PID must match.PIDfield
Theminimum number ofCPU cores required.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter an integer between 1
and65535 in the associated text field.
MinNumber of Coresfield
Themaximum number ofCPU cores allowed.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter an integer between 1
and65535 in the associated text field.
MaxNumber of Coresfield
Theminimum number ofCPU threadsrequired.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter an integer between 1
and65535 in the associated text field.
MinNumber of Threadsfield
Themaximum number ofCPU threadsallowed.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter an integer between 1
and65535 in the associated text field.
MaxNumber of Threadsfield
Theminimum CPU speedrequired.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the minimum CPU
CPUSpeed field
Theminimum CPU versionrequired.
Tospecify a capacity, choose select and enter the maximum CPU
CPUStepping field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
426 OL-25712-04
Configuring Server Pool Policy Qualifications