vCon to Adapter Placement
CiscoUCS Manager maps every vCon in a service profile to a physical adapter on the server. How that
mappingoccurs and how the vCons are assigned to a specific adapter in a server with two adapters depends
uponthe type of server. You must consider this placement when you configure the vNIC/vHBA placement
policyto assign vNICs and vHBAs to vCons.
vConto adapter placement is not dependent upon the PCIE slot number of the adapter. The adapter numbers
usedfor the purpose of vCon placement are not the PCIE slot numbers of the adapters, but the ID assigned
tothem during serverdiscovery.
vCon to Adapter Placement for N20-B6620-2 and N20-B6625-2 Blade Servers
Inthese blade servers, the adapters are numbered left to right, but vCons are numbered right to left. If the
serverhas a single adapter, all vCons are assigned to that adapter. However, if the server has two adapters,
thevCons are assigned to the adapters in reverse order, as follows:
• Adapter1 is assigned vCon2 and vCon4
• Adapter2 is assigned vCon1 and vCon3
vCon to Adapter Placement for All Other Supported Servers
Forall other servers supported by Cisco UCS, the vCon assignment depends upon the number of adapters in
theserver, as follows:
Table 11: vCon to Adapter Placement by Number of Adapters in Server
vCon4 AssignmentvCon3 AssignmentvCon2 AssignmentvCon1 AssignmentNumber of Adapters
vNIC/vHBA to vCon AssignmentCiscoUCS Manager provides two options for assigning vNICs and vHBAs to vCons through the vNIC/vHBA
placementpolicy: explicit assignment and implicitassignment.
Explicit Assignment of vNICs and vHBAs
Withexplicit assignment, you specify the vCon and, therefore, the adapter to which a vNIC or vHBA is
assigned.Use this assignment option when you need to determinehow the vNICs and vHBAs are distributed
betweenthe adapters on aserver.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
430 OL-25712-04
Configuring vNIC/vHBA Placement Policies