Ifchecked, the associated QoS class is configured on the fabric
interconnectand can be assigned to a QoS policy.
Ifunchecked, the class is not configured on the fabric interconnect and
anyQoS policies associated with this class defaultto Best Effort or, if
asystem class is configured with a Cos of 0, to the Cos0 system class.
Thisfield is always checked for Best Effort and Fibre
Enabledcheck box
Theclass of service. You can enter an integer value between 0 and 6,
with0 being the lowest priority and 6 being the highest priority.We
recommendthat you do not set the value to 0, unless you want that
systemclass to be the default system class for trafficif the QoS policy
isdeleted or the assigned system class is disabled.
Thisfield is set to 7 for internal traffic and to any for Best
Effort.Both of these values are reserved and cannot be
assignedto any other priority.
Ifchecked, packet drop is allowed for this class. If unchecked, packets
cannotbe dropped during transmission.
Thisfield is always unchecked for the FibreChannel class, which
neverallows dropped packets, and always checked for Best Effort,
whichalways allows dropped packets.
PacketDrop check box
Thiscan be one of the following:
•Aninteger between 1 and 10. If you enter an integer, Cisco UCS
determinesthe percentage of network bandwidth assigned to the
prioritylevel as described in the Weight(%) field.
Weightdrop-down list
Todetermine the bandwidth allocated to a channel, Cisco UCS:
1Addsthe weights for all the channels
2Dividesthe channel weight by the sum of all weights to get a
3Allocatesthat percentage of the bandwidth to the channel
Weight(%) field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 299
Configuring System Classes