Configuring Quality of Service
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
Qualityof Service, page 297
ConfiguringSystem Classes, page 297
ConfiguringQuality of ServicePolicies, page 301
ConfiguringFlow Control Policies, page 304

Quality of Service

CiscoUCS providesthe followingmethods to implementquality of service:
• System classes that specify the global configuration for certain types of trafficacross theentire system
• QoS policies that assign system classes for individual vNICs
• Flow control policies that determine how uplink Ethernet ports handle pause frames

Configuring System Classes

System Classes

CiscoUCS uses DataCenter Ethernet (DCE) to handle all traffic inside a Cisco UCS domain. This industry
standardenhancement to Ethernet divides the bandwidth of the Ethernet pipe into eight virtual lanes. Two
virtuallanes are reservedfor internalsystem andmanagement traffic. You can configure quality of service
forthe othersix virtuallanes. System classes determine how the DCE bandwidth in thesesix virtuallanes is
allocatedacross the entireCisco UCS domain.
Eachsystem class reserves aspecific segment of thebandwidth for a specifictype of traffic.This provides a
levelof traffic management, even in an oversubscribed system. For example, you can configure the Fibre
ChannelPriority system class to determine the percentage of DCE bandwidth allocated to FCoE traffic.
Thefollowing table describes thesystem classes that youcan configure:
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