Toavoid this issue, ensure that the service profile you associate with the server contains the identical local
diskconfiguration policy as the original service profile before the migration and does not include the Any
Configure RAID Settings in Local Disk Configuration Policy for Servers with MegaRAID Storage Controllers
Ifa bladeserver or integrated rack-mount server has a MegaRAID controller, you must configure RAID
settingsfor the drives in the Local Disk Configuration policy included in the service profile for that server.
Ifyou do not configure your RAID LUNs before installing the OS, disk discovery failures might occur during
theinstallation and you might see error messages such as “No Device Found.”
Do Not Use JBOD Mode on Servers with MegaRAID Storage Controllers
Donot configure or use JBOD mode or JBOD operations on any blade server or integrated rack-mount server
witha MegaRAID storage controllers. JBOD mode and operations are not intended for nor are they fully
functionalon these servers.
Maximum of One RAID Volume and One RAID Controller in Integrated Rack-Mount Servers
Arack-mount server that has been integrated with Cisco UCS Manager can have a maximum of one RAID
volumeirrespective of howmany harddrives arepresent on theserver.
Allthe local hard drives in an integrated rack-mount server must be connected to only one RAID Controller.
Integrationwith Cisco UCS Managerdoes not supportthe connectionof local hard drivesto multipleRAID
Controllersin a single rack-mount server. Wetherefore recommend that you request a single RAID Controller
configurationwhen you orderrack-mount serversto be integratedwith Cisco UCS Manager.
Inaddition, do not use third party tools to create multiple RAID LUNs on rack-mount servers. Cisco UCS
Managerdoes not supportthat configuration.
Maximum of One RAID Volume and One RAID Controller in Blade Servers
Ablade server can have a maximum of one RAID volume irrespective of how many drives are present in the
server.All the local hard drives must be connected to only one RAID controller. For example, a B200 M3
serverhas an LSI controller and an Intel Patsburg controller, but only the LSI controller can be used as a
Inaddition, do not use third party tools to create multiple RAID LUNs on blade servers. Cisco UCS Manager
doesnot supportthat configuration.
Number of Disks Selected in Mirrored RAID Should Not Exceed Two
Ifthe number of disksselected in the Mirrored RAID exceed two, RAID 1 is created as a RAID 10 LUN.
Thisissue can occur with the Cisco UCS B440 M1 andB440 M2 servers.
B420 M3 Server Does Not Support All Configuration Modes
TheB420 M3 server does not support the following configuration modes in a local disk configurationpolicy:
• RAID 6 Striped Dual Parity
Inaddition, the B420 M3 does not support JBOD modes or operations.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 409
Configuring Local Disk Configuration Policies