Theremaining management tasks canonly beperformed onthe server.
Ifa blade server slot in a chassis is empty, Cisco UCS Manager provides information, errors, and faults for
thatslot. You can also reacknowledge the slot to resolve server mismatch errors and to have Cisco UCS
Managerrediscover the blade server in the slot.
Guidelines for Removing and Decommissioning Blade Servers
Considerthe followingguidelines when decidingwhether to removeor decommissiona blade server using
CiscoUCS Manager:
Decommissioning a Blade Server
Decommissioningis performed when a blade server is physically present and connected but you want to
temporarilyremove it from the configuration. Because it is expected that a decommissioned blade server will
beeventually recommissioned, a portion of the server's information is retained by Cisco UCS Manager for
Removing a Blade Server
Removingis performed when you physically remove a blade server from the server by disconnecting it from
thechassis. You cannot remove a blade server from Cisco UCS Manager if it is physically present and
connectedto a chassis. Once the physical removal of the blade server is completed, the configuration for that
bladeserver can be removedin CiscoUCS Manager.
Duringremoval, active links to the blade server are disabled, all entries from databases are removed, and the
serveris automatically removed from any server pools that it was assigned to during discovery.
Onlythose servers added to a server pool automatically during discovery will be removed automatically.
Serversthat have been manually added to a server pool have to be removed manually.
Ifyou need to add a removedblade server back to the configuration, it must be reconnected and then
rediscovered.When a server is reintroduced to Cisco UCS Manager it is treated like a new server and is subject
tothe deepdiscovery process. For thisreason, it's possiblethat Cisco UCS Manager will assign the servera
newID thatmay be differentfrom the ID that it held before.
Booting Blade Servers

Booting a Blade Server

Ifthe Boot Serverlink is dimmedin the Actionsarea, you mustshut down theserver first.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
586 OL-25712-04
Guidelines for Removing and Decommissioning Blade Servers