Theunique identifier assigned to the network.
TheID can be between 1 and 4078, or between 4080 and 4093. 4079
isa reservedVSAN ID. In addition, if you plan to use FC end-host
mode,the range between 3840 to 4079 is also a reserved VSAN ID
VSANID field
Theunique identifier assigned to the VLAN used for Fibre Channel
•Afteran upgrade to Cisco UCS, release 2.0: The FCoE storage
portnative VLAN uses VLAN 4048 by default.If the default
FCoEVSAN was set to use VLAN 1 before the upgrade, you must
changeit to a VLAN ID that is not used or reserved. For example,
considerchanging the default to 4049 if that VLAN ID is not in
•Aftera fresh install of Cisco UCS, release2.0: The FCoE VLAN
forthe defaultVSAN uses VLAN4048 by default. The FCoE
storageport native VLAN uses VLAN 4049.
ForFIP capable,converged network adapters, such as the Cisco UCS
CNAM72KR-Q and the Cisco UCS CNA M72KR-E, the named VSAN
mustbe configured with a named VLAN that is not the native VLAN
forthe FCoEVLAN ID. Thisconfiguration ensures that FCoE traffic
canpass through theseadapters.
FCoEVLAN field
Step 6 ClickOK.
CiscoUCS Manager GUI adds the VSAN to oneof thefollowing VSANs nodes:
• The Storage Cloud >VSANs node for a storage VSAN accessible to both fabric interconnects.
• The Storage Cloud >Fabric_Name >VSANs node for a VSAN accessible to only one fabric
Deleting a VSANIfCisco UCS Manager includes a named VSAN with the same VSAN ID as the one you delete,the VSAN
isnot removedfrom the fabric interconnect configuration until all named VSANs with that ID are deleted.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 339
Deleting a VSAN