Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >Communication Management >CommunicationServices.
Step 3 Selectthe Communication Services tab.
Step 4 Inthe HTTPS area, clickthe enabled radio button.
TheHTTPS area expandsto displaythe available configuration options.
Step 5 Completethe following fields:
Thiscan be one of the following:
IfAdmin State isenabled, Cisco UCS ManagerGUI displays the rest
ofthe fieldsin this section.
AdminState field
Theport to usefor HTTPSconnections.
Specifyan integer between 1 and 65535. This service is enabled on port
443by default.
Thekey ring for HTTPS connections.KeyRing drop-down list
Thelevel of Cipher Suite security used by the Cisco UCS domain. This
canbe one of the following:
•Custom—Allowsyou tospecify a user-definedCipher Suite
CipherSuite Mode field
Ifyou selectCustom in the Cipher Suite Mode field,specify the
user-definedCipher Suitespecification string in thisfield.
TheCipher Suite specification string can contain up to 256 characters
andmust conformto theOpenSSL CipherSuite specifications. You
cannotuse any spaces or special characters except ! (exclamation point),
+(plus sign), - (hyphen),and :(colon). For details,see http://
Forexample, themedium strength specificationstring Cisco UCS
Manageruses as thedefault is:
CipherSuite field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
120 OL-25712-04
Configuring HTTPS