BIOS Policy
TheBIOS policy is a policy that automates the configuration of BIOS settings for a server or group of servers.
Youcan create global BIOS policies available to all servers in the root organization, or you can create BIOS
policiesin sub-organizations that are only available to that hierarchy.
Touse a BIOS policy, do the following:
1Createthe BIOS policyin CiscoUCS Manager.
2Assignthe BIOSpolicy to one or more service profiles.
3Associatethe service profile witha server.
Duringservice profile association, Cisco UCS Manager modifies the BIOS settings on the server to match
theconfiguration in the BIOS policy. If you do not create and assign a BIOS policy to a service profile, the
serveruses the default BIOS settings for that server platform.
Default BIOS SettingsCiscoUCS Manager includes a set of default BIOS settings for each type of server supported by CiscoUCS.
Thedefault BIOS settings are available only in the root organization and are global. Only one set of default
BIOSsettings can exist for each server platform supported by Cisco UCS. You can modify the default BIOS
settings,but youcannot createan additional set of default BIOS settings.
Eachset of default BIOS settings are designed for a particular type of supported server and are applied to all
serversof thatspecific type which do not have a BIOS policy included in their service profiles.
Unlessa CiscoUCS implementationhas specific needsthat arenot metby theserver-specific settings, we
recommendthat you use the default BIOS settings that are designed for each type of server in the Cisco UCS
CiscoUCS Managerapplies theseserver platform-specific BIOS settingsas follows:
• The service profile associated with a server does not include a BIOS policy.
• The BIOS policy is configured with the platform-default option for a specific setting.
Youcan modify the default BIOS settings provided by Cisco UCS Manager. However, any changes to the
defaultBIOS settings apply to all servers of that particular type or platform. If you want to modify the BIOS
settingsfor onlycertain servers, werecommend that youuse a BIOS policy.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
402 OL-25712-04
Configuring BIOS Settings