a) Completethe following fields:
Thename of the one time occurrence of this schedule.
Thisname can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You
cannotuse spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _
(underscore),: (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this
nameafter the object has beensaved.
Thedate andtime that the occurrence will run.
Clickthe down arrow at the end of the field to select the date from a
StartTime field
b) Clickthe down arrows to expand the Options area.
c) Inthe Options area, completethe following fields:
Themaximum length of time that the scheduled occurrence can run.
Thiscan be one of the following:
None—Theoccurrence runs untilall tasks are completed.
other—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays the dd:hh:mm:ss
fieldallowing you to specify the maximum amount of time that
theoccurrence can run. Cisco UCS completes as many scheduled
tasksas possiblewithin the specified time.
Bydefault, the maximum duration is set to none. If you do not change
thissetting and you do not set a maximum number of tasks, the
maintenancewindow continues untilall pending activities are
MaxDuration field
Themaximum number of scheduled tasks that can be run during this
occurrence.This can be one of the following:
Unlimited—CiscoUCS runs all scheduled tasks unless those
tasksexceed the maximum time specified in the Max Duration
field.If Max Duration is set to none and you select this option,
themaintenance window continues until all pending activities
other—CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays a text field allowing
youto specifythe maximum number of tasks that can be run
duringthis occurrence. Enter an integer between 1 and 65535.
MaxNumber of Tasksfield
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 473
Configuring Schedules