Thestatistics collection policy withwhich thisvNIC isassociated.StatsThreshold Policy
c) In the Adapter Performance Profile area, complete the following fields:
TheEthernet adapter policy withwhich thisvNIC is associated.AdapterPolicy drop-down list
Clickthis link if you want to create an Ethernet adapter policy.CreateEthernet Adapter Policy
Thequality of servicepolicy with whichthis vNIC is associated.QoSdrop-down list
Clickthis link if you want to create a quality of service policy.Create QoS Policy link
Thenetwork control policy with which thisvNIC is associated.Network Control Policy
Clickthis link if you want to create a network control policy.CreateNetwork Control Policy
d) Click OK.
Resetting the MAC Address Assigned to a vNIC from a Pool in a Service Profile TemplateIfyou change the MAC pool assigned to an updating service profile template, Cisco UCS Manager does not
changethe MACaddress assignedto aservice profilecreated with thattemplate. If you want Cisco UCS
Managerto assign a MAC address from the newly assigned pool to the service profile, and therefore to the
associatedserver, you must reset the MAC address. You can only reset theMAC address assigned to a service
profileand itsassociated server underthe followingcircumstances:
• The service profile was created from an updating service profile templateand includes a MAC address
assignedfrom a MAC pool.
• The MAC pool name is specified in the service profile. For example, the pool nameis not empty.
• The MAC address value is not 0, and is therefore not derived from the server hardware.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 555
Managing Service Profiles