Theprotocol touse when communicating with the remote server.This
canbe one of the following:
Thehostname or IP address of the locationwhere the backup file is
stored.This can be a server, storage array, local drive, or any read/write
mediathat the fabric interconnect can access through the network.
Ifyou use a hostname ratherthan an IP address, you must
configurea DNS server in Cisco UCS Manager.
Thefull path to the backup configuration file. This field can contain the
filenameas well as the path. If you omit the filename, the backup
procedureassigns a name to the file.
RemoteFile field
Theusername the system should use to log in to the remote server. This
fielddoes not apply if the protocol is TFTP.
Thepassword for the remote server username. This field does not apply
ifthe protocol is TFTP.
CiscoUCS Manager does not store this password. Therefore, you do
notneed to enter this password unless you intend to enable and run the
backupoperation immediately.
Step 7 ClickOK.
Step 8 IfCisco UCS Manager displays a confirmationdialog box, click OK.
Ifyou set the Admin State field to enabled, Cisco UCS Manager takes a snapshot of the configuration type
thatyou selected and exports the file to the network location. The backup operation displays in the Backup
Operationstable in the BackupConfiguration dialog box.
Step 9 (Optional) To view the progress of the backup operation, do the following:
a) If the operation does not display in the Properties area, click the operation in the Backup Operations
b) In the Properties area, click the down arrows on the FSM Details bar.
TheFSM Details area expandsand displaysthe operationstatus.
Step 10 Click OK to close the Backup Configuration dialog box.
Thebackup operation continues to run until it is completed. To view the progress, re-open the Backup
Configurationdialog box.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
624 OL-25712-04
Backup Operations