Wherethe backup file that you want to import is located. This can be
oneof thefollowing:
RemoteFile System—The backup XML file is stored on a remote
server.Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays the fields described
belowthat allow you tospecify the protocol, host, filename,
username,and password forthe remotesystem.
LocalFile System—The backup XML file is stored locally. Cisco
UCSManager GUI displays the Filename field with an associated
Browsebutton that let you specify the name and location for the
backupfile to be imported.
Locationof the ImportFile field
Theprotocol touse whencommunicating with the remoteserver. This
canbe one of the following:
Thehostname or IPaddress fromwhich theconfiguration file should
Ifyou usea hostname rather than an IP address, you must
configurea DNS serverin Cisco UCS Manager.
Thename of theXML configurationfile.RemoteFile field
Theusername the system should use to log in to the remote server. This
fielddoes not applyif the protocol is TFTP.
Thepassword for the remote server username. This field does not apply
ifthe protocol is TFTP.
CiscoUCS Manager does notstore thispassword. Therefore, you do
notneed to enter this password unless you intend to enable and run the
importoperation immediately.
Step 7 ClickOK.
Step 8 Inthe confirmationdialog box, clickOK.
Ifyou setthe Admin State to enabled,Cisco UCS Manager imports the configuration file from the network
location.Depending upon which action you selected, the information in the file is either merged with the
existingconfiguration or replacesthe existing configuration. The import operationdisplays in the Import
Operationstable of the ImportConfiguration dialog box.
Step 9 (Optional) To view the progress of the import operation, do the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
628 OL-25712-04
Import Operations