Whataction the system takes if the watchdog timer expires.
Thiscan be one of the following:
power-off—Theserver is powered off if the watchdog
timerexpires during OS boot.
reset—Theserver is reset if the watchdog timer expires
duringOS boot.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Thisoption isonly availableif you enablethe OS Boot
OSBoot WatchdogTimer Timeout
Whattimeout value the BIOS uses to configure the watchdog
timer.This can be one of the following:
5-minutes—Thewatchdog timer expires 5 minutesafter
theOS begins to boot.
10-minutes—Thewatchdog timer expires 10 minutes after
theOS begins to boot.
15-minutes—Thewatchdog timer expires 15 minutes after
theOS begins to boot.
20-minutes—Thewatchdog timer expires 20 minutes after
theOS begins to boot.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Thisoption isonly availableif you enablethe OS Boot
OSBoot WatchdogTimer Timeout
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 399
Configuring BIOS Settings