Upgrade ActionsMaintenance PolicyService Profile
Thefollowing occurs when youupdate the
1Thechanges to the firmware package take effect
assoon as you savethem.
2CiscoUCS Manager verifies the model numbers
andvendor againstall servers associatedwith
serviceprofiles that include this policy.If the
modelnumbers and vendor match a firmware
versionin thepolicy, Cisco UCS Manager
rebootsthe servers and updates the firmware.
Allservers associated with service profiles that
includethe firmware package are rebooted at the
Amaintenance policy
Hostor managementfirmware
packageis included in oneor
moreservice profiles, and the
serviceprofiles are associated
withone or moreservers.
Hostor managementfirmware
packageis included in an
updatingservice profile
template,and the service
profilescreated from that
templateare associated with
oneor moreservers.
Thefollowing occurs when youupdate the
1CiscoUCS Manager asks youto confirmyour
changeand advises that a user-acknowledged
rebootof theservers is required.
2Clickthe flashing Pending Activities button to
selectthe servers you want to reboot and apply
thenew firmware.
3CiscoUCS Manager verifies the model numbers
andvendor againstall servers associatedwith
serviceprofiles that include this policy.If the
modelnumbers and vendor match a firmware
versionin thepolicy, Cisco UCS Manager
rebootsthe server and updates the firmware.
Amanual reboot of the servers does not cause Cisco
UCSManager to apply the firmware package, nor
doesit cancel the pending activities. You must
acknowledgeor cancel the pending activity through
thePending Activities button.
Configuredfor user
Hostor managementfirmware
packageis included in oneor
moreservice profiles, and the
serviceprofiles are associated
withone or moreservers.
Hostor managementfirmware
packageis included in an
updatingservice profile
template,and the service
profilescreated from that
templateare associated with
oneor moreservers.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 225
Upgrading Firmware through Service Profiles