Displaysthe status and selected properties of all servers in the chassis.
Displaysthe status of the service profiles associated with servers in the chassis.
ServiceProfiles tab
Displaysthe status and selected properties of all IO modules in the chassis.
IOModules tab
Displaysthe status of all fan modules in the chassis.
Displaysthe status of all power supply units in the chassis.
Displaysdetailed information about the connections between the chassis and
thefabric interconnects. The display has an icon for the following:
• Each fabric interconnect in the system
• The I/O module (IOM) in the selected component, which is shown as
anindependent unit tomake theconnection paths easier tosee
• The selected chassis showing the servers and PSUs
HybridDisplay tab
Displaysthe status of all slots in the chassis.
Displaysthe current firmware versions on the IO modules and servers in the
chassis.You can also use this tab to update and activate the firmware on those
InstalledFirmware tab
Displaysand provides access to the system event logs for the servers in the
SELLogs tab
Providesdetails of faultsgenerated by thechassis.
Providesdetails of eventsgenerated by thechassis.
Providesdetails about and the status of FSM tasks related to the chassis. You
canuse thisinformation to diagnoseerrors withthose tasks.
Providesstatistics about the chassis and its components. You can view these
statisticsin tabular orchart format.
Providestemperature statistics for the components of the chassis. You can
viewthese statisticsin tabular orchart format.
Providespower statistics for the components of the chassis. You can view
thesestatistics in tabularor chartformat.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 649
Monitoring a Chassis