CiscoUCS Manager pushes BIOS configuration changes through a BIOS policy or default BIOS settings
tothe Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) buffer. These changes remain in the buffer and
donot takeeffect until the server is rebooted.
Werecommend that you verify the support for BIOS settings in the server that you want to configure.
Somesettings, such as Mirroring Mode and Sparing Mode for RAS Memory, are not supported by all
CiscoUCS servers.
Main BIOS Settings
Thefollowing table lists the main server BIOS settings that you canconfigure through a BIOSpolicy or the
defaultBIOS settings:
Whenthe server is rebooted after you change one or more BIOS
Ifyou enablethis setting, the serveris rebooted according to
themaintenance policy in the server's service profile. For
example,if themaintenance policy requires user
acknowledgment,the server is not rebooted and the BIOS
changesare notapplied until a useracknowledges the pending
Ifyou do not enable this setting, the BIOS changes are not
applieduntil the next time the server is rebooted, whether as a
resultof another server configuration change or a manual reboot.
Rebooton BIOSSettings Change
Whatthe BIOS displaysduring Power On Self-Test(POST).
Thiscan be one of the following:
disabled—TheBIOS displays all messagesand Option
ROMinformation during boot.
enabled—TheBIOS displays the logo screen, but does
notdisplay anymessages or OptionROM information
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
382 OL-25712-04
Configuring BIOS Settings