AES Privacy Protocol for SNMPv3 Users
CiscoUCS uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as one of the privacy protocols for SNMPv3 message
encryptionand conforms withRFC 3826.
Theprivacy password, or priv option, offers a choice of DES or 128-bit AES encryption for SNMP security
encryption.If you enable AES-128 configuration and include a privacy password for an SNMPv3 user, Cisco
UCSManager uses the privacy password to generate a 128-bit AES key. The AES privacy password can have
aminimum of eightcharacters. If the passphrases are specified in clear text, you can specifya maximum of
Enabling SNMP and Configuring SNMP Properties
SNMPmessages from a Cisco UCS domain display the fabric interconnect name rather than the system name.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Admin tab.
Step 2 Onthe Admin tab, expand All >Communication Management >CommunicationServices.
Step 3 Selectthe Communication Services tab.
Step 4 Inthe SNMP area, completethe following fields:
Thiscan be one of the following:
Enablethis service onlyif your system includes integration with an
IfAdmin State is enabled, Cisco UCS Manager GUI displays the rest
ofthe fieldsin thissection.
AdminState field
Theport on which Cisco UCS Manager communicateswith the SNMP
host.You cannot change the default port.
Thedefault SNMP v1 or v2c community name or SNMP v3 username
CiscoUCS Manager includes on any trap messages it sends to the SNMP
Enteran alphanumeric string between 1 and 32 characters. Do not use
@(at sign), \ (backslash)," (double quote), ? (questionmark) or an
emptyspace. The default is public.
Thesystem contact person responsiblefor theSNMP implementation.
Entera string of up to 255 characters, such as an email address or a
nameand telephonenumber.
SystemContact field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 125
Configuring SNMP