Serial Port BIOS Settings
Thefollowing table lists the serial port BIOS settings that you canconfigure through a BIOSpolicy or the
defaultBIOS settings:
Whetherserial port A isenabled or disabled.This can beone
ofthe following:
disabled—Theserial port is disabled.
enabled—Theserial port is enabled.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
SerialPort A
USB BIOS Settings
Thefollowing table lists the USB BIOS settings that you can configure through a BIOS policy or thedefault
Whetherthe server can boot from a USB device. This can be
oneof thefollowing:
disabled—Theserver can boot from a USB device.
enabled—Theserver cannot boot from a USBdevice.
PlatformDefault—The BIOS uses the value for this
attributecontained in the BIOS defaults for the server type
MakeDevice Non Bootable
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
394 OL-25712-04
Configuring BIOS Settings