Thetotal number of uplink Ethernet ports and uplink Ethernet port channel members that can be configured
oneach fabric interconnect is limited to 31. This limitationincludes uplink Ethernet ports and uplink
Ethernetport channel members configuredon the expansionmodule.
Effect of Port Mode Changes on Data Traffic
Portmode changescan cause an interruption to the datatraffic for the Cisco UCS domain. The length of the
interruptionand the traffic that is affected depend upon the configuration of the Cisco UCS domain and the
moduleon which you made the port mode changes.
Tominimize the traffic disruption during system changes, form a Fibre Channel uplink port-channel across
thefixed and expansionmodules.
Impact of Port Mode Changes on an Expansion Module
Afteryou make port mode changes on an expansion module, the module reboots. All traffic through ports on
theexpansion module is interrupted for approximatelyone minute while the module reboots.
Impact of Port Mode Changes on the Fixed Module in a Cluster Configuration
Acluster configurationhas two fabricinterconnects. After youmake portchanges to thefixed module,the
fabricinterconnect reboots. The impact on the data traffic depends upon whether or not you have configured
theserver vNICs to failover to the other fabric interconnect when one fails.
Ifyou changethe port modeson theexpansion module of one fabric interconnect and then wait for that to
rebootbefore changing the port modes on the second fabric interconnect, the following occurs:
• Withserver vNIC failover, traffic fails over to the other fabric interconnect and no interruption occurs.
• Withoutserver vNIC failover, all data traffic through the fabric interconnect on which you changed the
portmodes isinterrupted for approximatelyeight minutes whilethe fabric interconnectreboots.
However,if you change the port modes on the fixed modules of both fabric interconnects simultaneously, all
datatraffic through the fabric interconnects are interrupted for approximately eight minutes while the fabric
Impact of Port Mode Changes on the Fixed Module in a Standalone Configuration
Astandalone configuration has only one fabric interconnect. After you make port changes to the fixed module,
thefabric interconnect reboots. All data traffic through the fabric interconnect is interrupted for approximately
eightminutes while thefabric interconnectreboots.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 81
Unified Ports on the 6200 Series Fabric Interconnect