Theport or ports are configured as uplink Ethernet ports, removed from the list of unconfigured ports, and
addedto the Uplink EthernetPorts node.
What to Do Next
Ifdesired, change the properties for the default flow control policy and admin speed of the uplink Ethernet

Changing the Properties of an Uplink Ethernet Port

Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Fabric Interconnects >Fabric_Interconnect_Name.
Step 3 Dependingupon the location of the ports you want to configure, expand one of the following:
Step 4 Inthe Uplink EthernetPorts node, clickthe uplinkEthernet port thatyou wantto change.
Step 5 Inthe Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 6 Inthe Actions area, clickShow Interface.
Step 7 Inthe Properties dialog box, complete the following fields:
a) (Optional) In the User Label field, enter a label to identify the port.
b) From the Flow Control Policy drop-down list, select a flow control policy to determine how the port
sendsand receivesIEEE 802.3x pauseframes whenthe receivebuffer fills.
c) In the Admin Speed field, click one of the following radio buttons:
Step 8 ClickOK.
Reconfiguring a Port on a Fabric Interconnect
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Fabric Interconnects >Fabric_Interconnect_Name.
Step 3 Dependingupon the location of the ports you want to reconfigure,expand one of the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
86 OL-25712-04
Reconfiguring a Port on a Fabric Interconnect