Recovering the Corrupt BIOS on a Rack-Mount Server
Onrare occasions,an issue with a servermay require you to recover the corrupted BIOS. This procedure is
notpart of the normal maintenance of a server. After you recover the BIOS, the server boots with the running
versionof the firmware for that server. This radio button may be dimmed if the BIOS does not require recovery
orthe optionis notavailable for aparticular server.
Before You Begin
Removeall attached or mapped USB storage from a server before you attempt to recover the corrupt BIOS
onthat server. If an external USB drive is attached or mapped from vMedia to the server, BIOS recovery
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Rack Mounts >Servers.
Step 3 Choosethe server for which you want to recover the BIOS.
Step 4 Inthe Work pane, click the General tab.
Step 5 Inthe Actions area, clickRecover Server.
Step 6 Inthe Recover Server dialogbox, do the following:
a) Click Recover Corrupt BIOS.
b) Click OK.
Step 7 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displaysa confirmation dialog box, clickYes.
Step 8 Inthe Recover Corrupt BIOSdialog box, do the following:
a) Complete the following fields:
Choosethe firmwareversion that youwant toactivate from the
VersionTo Be Activated
Bydefault, Cisco UCS makessure thatthe firmware version is
compatiblewith everything runningon theserver beforeit activates
Checkthis check box if you want Cisco UCS to activate the firmware
withoutmaking surethat it iscompatible first.
Werecommend that you use this option only when explicitly
directedto do so by a technical support representative.
IgnoreCompatibility Check
b) Click OK.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 609
Recovering the Corrupt BIOS on a Rack-Mount Server