Step 1 Fromthe Pool Assignment drop-down list,choose one of thefollowing:
Allowsyou toassign a server afteryou have created and configured the
serviceprofile template.
Continuewith Step 2.
Selecta server pool from the list at the bottom of the drop-down list. Cisco
UCSManager assigns a server from this pool to a service profile created
fromthis template.
Continuewith Step 2.
Selectfrom a Pool
Step 2 Inthe Power State field,click one of the following radio buttons to set the power state that will be applied
tothe serverwhen itis associated with aservice profile createdfrom this template:
Downif youwant the server to be powereddown before the profile is associated with the server
Upif youwant the server to be poweredup before the profile is associated with the server
Bydefault, the server is powered up.
Step 3 Ifyou want to restrict the migration of the service profile after it has been associated with a server, check the
RestrictMigration. check box.
Ifyou choosenot to restrict migration, Cisco UCS Manager does not perform any compatibility checks on
thenew server before migrating the existing service profile. If the hardware of both servers are not similar,
theassociation might fail.
Step 4 (Optional) In the Firmware Management area, do the following to use policies to update the firmware on
theserver associatedwith a service profilecreated from this template:
a) Click the down arrows on the Firmware Management bar.
b) Complete the following fields:
Toassociate a host firmware package with this service profile, choose
itsname from the drop-downlist.
HostFirmware drop-down list
Clickthis link ifyou wantto create a hostfirmware package.CreateHost Firmware Package
Toassociate a management firmware package with this service profile,
chooseits name from thedrop-down list.
Clickthis link if you want to create a management firmware package.CreateManagement Firmware
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
538 OL-25712-04
Working with Service Profile Templates