Step 4 Clickthe service profile to which you want to add the firmware packages.
Step 5 Inthe Work pane, click the Policies tab.
Step 6 Clickthe down arrows to expand the Firmware Policies section.
Step 7 Toadd a host firmware package, select the desired policy from the Host Firmware drop-down list.
Step 8 Toadd a management firmware package, select the desired policy from the Management Firmware drop-down
Step 9 ClickSave Changes.
Verifying Firmware Versions on ComponentsProcedure
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, click the Equipment node.
Step 3 Inthe Work pane, click the Firmware Management tab.
Step 4 Onthe Installed Firmware tab, review the firmware versions listed for each component.
Managing the Capability CatalogCapability Catalog
TheCapability Catalog is a set of tunable parameters, strings, and rules. Cisco UCS Manager uses the catalog
toupdate the display and configurability of components such as newly qualified DIMMs and disk drives for
Thecatalog is divided by hardware components, such as the chassis, CPU, local disk, and I/O module. You
canuse the catalog to view the list of providers available for that component. There is one provider per
hardwarecomponent. Each provider is identified by the vendor, model (PID), and revision. For each provider,
youcan also view details of the equipment manufacturer and the form factor.
Forinformation aboutwhich hardware componentsare dependent upon a particular catalog release, see the
componentsupport tables in theService Notes for theB- Seriesservers. For informationabout which
componentsare introduced ina specificrelease, see the Cisco UCS ReleaseNotes.
Contents of the Capability Catalog
Thecontents of the Capability Catalog include the following:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
230 OL-25712-04
Verifying Firmware Versions on Components