Renumbering a Chassis
Youcannot renumber a blade server through Cisco UCS Manager. The ID assigned to a blade server is
determinedby its physical slot in the chassis. To renumber a blade server, you must physically move the
serverto a different slot in the chassis.
Before You Begin
Ifyou areswapping IDs betweenchassis, you must first decommissionboth chassis and then wait for the
chassisdecommission FSM tocomplete before proceeding withthe renumbering steps.
Step 1 Inthe Navigation pane, clickthe Equipment tab.
Step 2 Onthe Equipment tab, expand Equipment >Chassis.
Step 3 Verifythat the Chassis node does not include the following:
•Thechassis you wantto renumber
•Achassis with thenumber you wantto use
Ifeither of thesechassis are listed in the Chassis node, decommissionthose chassis. You must wait until the
decommissionFSM is complete and the chassis are not listed in the Chassis node before continuing. This
mighttake several minutes.
Step 4 Onthe Equipment tab, click the Chassis node.
Step 5 Inthe Work pane, click the Decommissioned tab.
Step 6 Forthe chassis that you want to renumber, do the following:
a) Right-click the chassis and choose Re-commission Chassis.
b) In the Chassis ID field of the Re-commission Chassis dialog box, type or use the arrows to choose the
IDthat you want to assign to the chassis
c) Click OK
Step 7 Ifthe CiscoUCS Manager GUI displays a confirmationdialog box, click Yes.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 581
Renumbering a Chassis