Step 5 Inthe Contact Informationarea, complete the following fields with the required contact information:
Themain CallHome contact person.
Enterup to 255 ASCII characters.
Thetelephone number forthe maincontact.
Enterthe numberin internationalformat, starting with a+ (plussign)
anda country code.You can use hyphens but not parentheses.
Theemail address forthe main contact.
CiscoSmart Call Home sends the registration email to this email address.
Ifan email address includes special characters, such as # (hash),
spaces,or & (ampersand), the email server may not beable to
deliveremail messages to that address. Cisco recommends that
youuse emailaddresses which comply withRFC2821 and
RFC2822and includeonly 7bit ASCII characters.
Themailing address forthe main contact.
Enterup to 255 ASCII characters.
Step 6 Inthe Ids area, complete the following fields with the Smart Call Home identification information:
TheCCO ID that includes the contract numbers for the support contract
inits entitlements.
Enterup to 510 ASCII characters.
CustomerId field
TheCall Home contractnumber for thecustomer.
Enterup to 510 ASCII characters.
ContractId field
Theunique Call Home identification number for the customer site.
Enterup to 510 ASCII characters.
SiteId field
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 691
Example: Configuring Call Home for Smart Call Home